Fertility Researchers


Francesca Mulas

R&D Bioinformatics manager
JUNO Genetics


Francesca Mulas, Ph.D, joined Juno Italy as R&D Bioinformatics manager. She obtained her B.S. and M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, followed by a Doctorate Degree in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at the University of Pavia. Her Ph.D thesis on data mining methods for the study of stem cells and oocytes development was awarded the “M. Ramoni” Bioengineering Award for a Doctoral Thesis on innovative Data Mining methods.

After postdoctoral studies at Boston University and at USCD on gene networks and epigenetic analyses of pancreatic progenitors, she spent 4 years as Lead Bioinformatics Data Scientist at the biotech BenevolentAI, where she worked in teams to develop omics-based drug discovery and to interpret disease-relevant patient endotypes from patients data.

Francesca has authored and co-authored over 50 publications, including papers in peer reviewed journals, contributions to conference proceedings and book chapters. She holds 2 patents on methods to perform patient stratification using omics data.

Francesca was recently invited to teach a Biostatistics class for the Master course “Biology and Biotechnology of Reproduction: from Research to Clinics” co-organized by GENERA and the University of Pavia.

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Education and Training

B.S. Biomedical Engineering University of Pavia (2006)
M.S. Biomedical Engineering University of Pavia (2009)
Ph.D. Bioengineering and Bioinformatics University of Pavia (2013)
Post-doctoral studies Boston University (2015)
Post-doctoral studies UCSD (2018)
Leadership and Teamwork Certificate program Gradvantage UCSD Extension (2016)
Pathways to Scientific teaching course for postgraduate fellows UCSD (2017)

Honors and recognition

The Mad Scientist Award: building tissue-specific networks – BenevolentAI 2020
“M. Ramoni” Bioengineering Award for Doctoral Thesis on innovative Data Mining methods 2014
Italian Society of Bioengineering Master thesis award 2009