Fertility Researchers



Hortensia Ferrero, Ph.D.

Treatment and Diagnosis of Uterine Diseases Research Group Leader
FIVI Valencia
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Dr. Hortensia Ferrero is a full-time investigador at IIS La Fe-FIVI through a Miguel Servet contract of the Natitonal Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) 2021-2026 and research group leader for treatment and diagnosis of uterine diseases at IVI Foundation in Valencia. She obtained her Bachelors degree form the University of Valencia in 2006, with a major in Biology. She then obtained a Master’s Degree in Biotechnology and Biomedicine (2008), focusing on Human Reproductive Biology. She carried out her PhD studies with a PFIS fellowship granted by Health Institute Carlos III. In 2013, she worked six months with Dr. D. Stephen Charnock-Jones’ group at University of Cambridge in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, in the UK, supported by a grant by Health Institute Carlos III. She received her PhD degree in Biotechnology with special international mention, in 2014 from University of Valencia. Her thesis project on the angiogenic process regulating the corpus luteum in physiological and pathological conditions recieved an Extraordinary Award in 2015.

Subsequently, Dr. Ferrero conducted studies on the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis using eutopic endometrial samples from patients with endometriosis, and heterologous and homologous animal model of this disease.

As a researcher, Dr. Ferrero has published in leading reproductive journals, such as JCEM, Human Reproduction, Fertility and Sterility, Placenta, Biology of Reproduction, and presented in several national and international meetings in the field of Reproductive Medicine, including ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) and SRI (Society of Reproductive Investigation).

Dr. Ferrero also participates as researcher in competitive project-grants as emerging researcher (Valencian State Governments) and researcher (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), besides acting as regular reviewer in different international journals, such as Human Reproduction, and Fertility and Sterility.

Dr. Ferrero has been involved in teaching in postgraduate courses since 2009, in Human Reproduction Module form the Master’s Degree in Biotechnology of Assisted Human Reproduction. In addition, she is supervising a doctoral thesis on uterine fibroids, since 2016.

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Education and Training

B.Sc. University of Valencia, Spain (2006)
MSc in Biomedicine and Biotecnology University of Alicante (2006-2008)
Fellowship University of Cambridge, UK (2013)
PhD in Biotecnology University of Valencia, Spain (2014)

Honors and recognition

Sara Borrell Grant by Heath Institute Carlos III 2016-2019
PFIS felowship Grant by Heath Institute Carlos III 2009-2013
SRI Travel Award for “NGS of oocytes from endometriosis patients reveals a differential transcriptomic pattern" 2019
Miguel Servet contract (CP20/00120) by Heath Institute Carlos III 2021-2026
SRI President’s Award for Proteomic Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by Primary Endometrial Epithelial Cells fromvFertile Women Reveals Functions Related to Embryo Implantation Not Present in an Endometrial Epithelial Cell Line 2021
Exemplary reviewer Award by Fertility and Sterility 2018
PhD Extraordinary Award 2017
ASRM – Endometriosis SIG Prize Paper-Best in Basic Science for “Human blastocysts uptake extracellular vesicles secreted by primary endometrial epithelial cells containing miRNAs related to implantation and early embryo development” 2022
SRI Bayer Discovery/Innovation Grant for “Study of molecular mechanisms related to insulin and progesterone resistance that influence on endometrial receptivity in patients with adenomyosis” 2022-2023
SRI President’s Presenter’s Award for “Doxercalciferol Decreases Uterine Fibroid Growth Rate Through the Regulation of ECM Synthesis and Cell Proliferation 2023



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