Fertility Researchers



Filippo Ubaldi M.D., Ph.D.

Medical Director Italy IVIRMA Global Scientific Director of Genera Centers for Reproductive Medicine
Genera Centers
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board


Filippo Maria Ubaldi is the Medical Director Italy and member of the Medical Council of IVIRMA Global, International Reproductive Medicine network. He is also member of the Scientific Advisory Board of IVIRMA Global Research Alliance.

He is member of the Technical Table for in-depth study of issues related to medically assisted procreation, established by the Italian Ministry of Health on January 2023.

With academic degrees in Ob & Gyn, Masters in Andrology and Reproductive Medicine, PhD in Andrology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, he is also intensely dedicated to scientific activity.

Author and co-author >230 scientific papers with Scopus H-index of 59, he has been invited as speaker at >600 National and International congresses on the topic of Reproductive Medicine.

Section Editor of the journal RBM Online, he serves as reviewer in more than 10 scientific journals.

Member of the ESHRE Executive Committee during 2005-2009, he has been Chairman of the 26th ESHRE Annual Meeting held in Rome in June 2010.

In 2008 he founded together with Prof. Laura Rienzi the Genera IVF centers, with four different locations in Italy, where he has been Clinical Director.

In 2014 and 2019 he received the Italian National Scientific License as full Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and at the present is the Chairman of the Italian Society of Fertility and Sterility (SIFES).

In 2020, he was actively involved in the creation of GeneraLife, a network of >30 clinics in 5 different countries in Europe: the name GeneraLife was inspired by the group he founded 12 years before.

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Education and Training

B.Sc. Medicine and Surgery University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (1989)
M.Sc. Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Chieti “Gabriele D’Annunzio” di Chieti (1993)
Post-graduate Fellowship University of Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1993-1996)
M.Sc. Andrology University of Padua (2008)
M.Sc. Reproductive Medicine University of Padua (2010)
Ph.D. University of Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2018)

Honors and recognition

Member of the Technical Table for Research and Training in Infertility Prevention and Treatment 2021 to present
Expert for peer review of research products submitted for VQR 2011-2014 Ministry of Scientific Research, 2014-2015
Member of the advisory table on fertility protection and prevention of the causes of infertility established by the Ministry of Health 2014-2015
Member of the technical table on heterologous assisted reproduction established by the Ministry of Health 2014
Professor in "Applied Human Embryology" Master at Roma Tre University 2019-2023
Professor in "Reproductive Health, Endoscopic Techniques and Medically Assisted Procreation" at University of Florence 2019
Scientific Coordinator of the Master in "Reproductive Sciences and Medically Assisted Reproductive Techniques" at University of Urbino, Carlo Bò 2015-2019
Professor in "Reproductive Medicine" master at the University of Padua 2009-2019
Adjunct Professor in Neuroendocrinology of Human Reproduction at the School of Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, , University of Perugia 2006-2007
Adjunct Professor in Endocrinology of the Menstrual Cycle at the School of Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Perugia 2004-2005
Adjunct Professor in Endocrinology in Assisted Fertilization at the School of Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Perugia 2000-2004


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